Tarax Stud

Tarax Stud

Sunday 28 June 2020

26/6/2020 I honestly forgot!

Its a strange way to come back to this blog with the above photo but it will make sense 😔 especially as I had not realised how time flies...

Looking at my last entry I can see its been around 3 yrs since the page has been updated and boy has so much happened since then, We still have all our animals,

except we have ducks as well as chickens, the dogs are still with us as are the goats and our rabbits 😄 though we have cut down on the m considerably...and we have just closed the boarding side of our business down due to Kim's health issues.

I suppose thats the real big change to myself and Kim as well as Tarax Stud as of May 2018 Kim was diagnosed with Early onset Alzheimer's, in particular a rare form of this disease called PCA or Posterior Cortical Atrophy, this effects her vision in particular, especially her perception of depth. Colours blend together or she cannot see certain colours (yellow for instance) also words and numbers written down Kim has lots of problems with. Since this bombshell we have obviously been side tracked with our rabbits and have stopped our breeding programmes and closed down the boarding side of things, we have also cut back on all our breeds to the point where Kim has 6 Lion lops, we no Siberians, only 6 Glavcots, 5 mini lops and a few Lutino lops. So some big changes there 😧 this journey that Kim and myself are now on means we make the most of what we can....so Kim does horse riding every Monday with the RDA (riding for the disabled) swimming 2 to 3 times a week and sailing for the disabled oh and singing for the brain lol, so understandably I have been more side tracked than ever before lol.

Anyway from the day of diagnosis in the hospital so much has happened

we did the early onset alzheimers walk along with Kims mum and dad, the roof blew off our boarding area 😲

we were still breeding rabbits and had some nice youngsters, which mainly went as pets lol
We tried to have as much time as we could with family and friends 💗

I organised a bucket list of things for kim to do whilst on her journey including a shire horse day 
Another day incorporating family and rabbits lol 
we both got a tattoo done
still went to shows
had another grandchild 💖

more shows
had another grandchild!!

more shows 
tea at the ritz
another tattoo 
still had fluffy rabbits
pamper days

regular horse riding every monday.....and more tattoo's
still have lutino's
and the pair of us dressed up for a theatre night out.

So much has passed in the last couple of years as you can see with the photos...because of Kim's journey we have slowed down so much with the rabbits but we have geared up with our lives together so that we can enjoy our memories together for as long as possible. As mentioned the boarding side of Tarax stopped this year and we started selling the blocks of hutches off, Kim cut right back with the Lion Lops which we will eventually let go completely but for now they give Kim moments of pleasure with grooming and handling. The Glavcots have had a few things happen, some went to America to start of a foundation stock there as well as start up new colours, a few went to new breeders and a few we lost last year to myxi getting into the shed 😢 so only a few left of those at the moment. All our BEW lines went (mainly abroad) so at the moment we only really have lutino's left. Matings have been non existent to be honest but we did mate a few mums up in march so have a few kits in the shed again

We organised a bucket list for Kim so Tattoo's, horse riding, burlesque shows, dance shows, singing, sailing, steam train ride and at least one holiday were all things we put down and have luckily been able to do 😄 unfortunately a few things have made it hard for us the 1st with Kim's mum passing away suddenly last year then we have been in lock down for over 3 months with the corona virus pandemic which has all made it tough to move forward in some ways....luckily we have our animals and family to check in on to keep us sane. Anyway I will finish it here as so much to take in and I know there are loads of moments I have forgotten so until next time keep safe and enjoy life my my friends. xx

whoops ps sorry I nearly forgot...the design at the start of the page is something we made for Kims wheelchair and walking stick 

Sunday 5 February 2017

How time flies :)

Welcome back....well as the title says time certainly flies and i did not realise by how much...yes last February was the last post on here lol....main excuse is i try not to get on the computer as i end up spending to much time on there meaning my lovely beautiful wife starts feeling neglected so i get moaned at lol. If i tried to let you all know whats happened in the past year i would be writing until tomorrow so i'm not going to apart from the main interesting bits of the year :) these being giving up the the Tri papillon rabbits...breeding more lutino rabbits....getting another dog....being in hospital twice (dont worry nothing serious)....eating healthier and loosing weight :).....2 big summer barbeques here (1 family and i rabbit friends)....daughter moving into her new home....leaking roof in doors...leaking roof goats shed....oven broke down...washing machine broke down....dishwasher broke down....TV breaking down....and so on lol so thats my year in a paragraph :) so here in photos starting from january 2016 is what happened :)
February/March 2016 
January we had the wood burner from the living room put in kims workshop and a new bigger stove fitted in the house by end of february

bit windy and the roof blew off the boarding area :(

new chicken coop ordered to be used for boarding :)

went to see Chicago with our close friends Claudio and Daren

Barbeque weather one with family and one with friends

Barbeque around our daughter and boyfriends house :)

we helped an additional needs school with rabbits and guinea pigs

Our Lutino entered at London....I end up in hospital but get visited by a new addition to the family

Meet Chester new family member :)

Yeh Xmas...brother visits and we go see dad...and of course xmas decs :)

I end up in hospital again for gall bladder removal....lots of stones :)

Lutino programme looking better